Alarm Over Growing Brain Drain From SA

As emigration by skilled South Africans rises, experts in the auditing and insurance sectors have warned this will weaken the country’s skills base and reduce the pool of wealthy individuals, whose spending on goods and services support many businesses.

SARS Tracking Flights As Part Of Stricter Non-Resident Verification Process

Expatriate taxpayers awaiting approval of their non-resident status may be surprised to discover that SARS can track their flights into and out of South Africa.

Non-Resident Tax Status Reversed? Read This Before Reapplying To SARS

SARS introduced its Tax Non-Resident Confirmation letter in 2021, and it now appears that emigrated taxpayers, whose residency status was previously disclosed to SARS as non-resident, are now finding their status has been reset to ‘resident’. This may possibly have been due to a bug, or one arm not speaking to the other, when SARS […]

Momentous Wealth Taxation Event Lifts Veil On Offshore Structures

A momentous event, held on 22 August 2022, drew a massive audience, comprising many well-known high net worth VIPs, senior SARS officials and officials from other African Revenue Authorities, tax heads in various capacities, top wealth managers, academics and other notable attendees.

Expats Tax Residency Reset: Is SARS Constantly Shifting Goalposts?

The South African Revenue Service’s (“SARS”) focus on South Africans abroad was first revealed in the 2017 Budget Speech. Their reasons were only revealed in the pursuant Parliamentary debate, where in the Q&A session it was shared that National Treasury and SARS had been keeping a close eye on expatriate tax compliance.

Wealth Tax – Is The Rumour Being Realised?

With discussions on imposing a wealth tax being rife in preceding years, policy makers are turning to the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) to look into the feasibility of this new proposed tax, to bridge the “widest wealth gap in the world”.

Valuable Benefits Of An Emigration TCS PIN And SARS Non-Resident Tax Status Confirmation Letter

Of late, digital news platforms have been awash with volumes of contradicting information regarding the Emigration Tax Compliance Status (TCS) PIN and SARS Non-Resident Tax Status Confirmation Letter. For the benefit of the taxpayers, more especially expatriates, we see it necessary to clarify the different uses and benefits of these two very important documents in […]

South Africans In Guernsey, Jersey And The Isle Of Man Are Low-Hanging Fruit For SARS

South African expatriates living in Guernsey, Jersey or the Isle of Man are under grave threat from the South African Revenue Service (SARS).

What South African Expatriates Need To Know About Tax Before They Return Home

Expatriates, beware! If you ceased your tax residency through the Financial Emigration process, you may require substantial reasoning for your return to avoid any repercussions from the South African Revenue Service (SARS).

Expat Confusion As SARS Disables Tax Residency Checkbox

An ITR-12 checkbox, indicating a taxpayer ceased tax residency in South Africa, is greyed out this tax season. This has confused many eFiling users wishing to leave the country permanently.