Entries by Financial Emigration

Voluntary Compliance Encouraged By SARS

In a media statement dated 30 November 2022, the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) stated that they are encouraging all taxpayers who may be in default on their tax affairs to approach SARS via the Voluntary Disclosure Programme (“VDP”). By coming forward willingly, said taxpayers will receive the help and advice from SARS to expedite […]

SARS’ Sherlock Holmes Approach to Foreign Income

The number of South Africans earning income abroad has continuously been on the rise. The majority percentage of the South African Revenue Service’s (SARS) tax collections have also consistently been from personal income. These two factors combined, in the context of our residency-based tax system, has massively piqued the interest of our revenue service in […]

Flying Towards A Tax Saving_Double Tax Agreement Or Financial Emigration

The common misconception amongst expatriates, however, is that getting on a plane and leaving South Africa will trigger the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) to automatically regard them as non-resident taxpayers. This is certainly not the case, as the correct process must be followed to cease one’s South African tax residency status. If not, SARS […]

Alarm Over Growing Brain Drain From SA

As emigration by skilled South Africans rises, experts in the auditing and insurance sectors have warned this will weaken the country’s skills base and reduce the pool of wealthy individuals, whose spending on goods and services support many businesses.